
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

A subject that I enjoy studying

 My favorite subject. During the time I have been studying anthropology, I think the subject that I have most enjoyed studying and learning about is human evolution. In this subject we mainly saw the evolution of the genus homo, but from its initial conception to homo sapien sapien. I really enjoyed this subject during the time I studied it, because besides the fact that I had a lot of fun with what it contained, it included very interesting and entertaining activities and practical work. In this subject were very interesting topics, one of them as I mentioned the study of human evolution, but also considered some topics of anatomy so it also taught me about that. At the end of the subject I could understand in a better way the study of the genus homo, which allowed me to understand in a better way some other subjects, for example in this semester, the subject of hunter-gatherers. It is for these reasons that Human Evolution is probably my favorite subject, as well as the one that has

How my major make the world better.

 I have decided to study anthropology mainly because I really like the degree, but I also consider that it can generate many contributions to society.  Within the branches of anthropology, the one that at the moment I prefer the most, is physical anthropology, which can help determine causes of death and help to connect the dots about people whose death is inconclusive.  Personally, I am very happy working in this area, because I like it too much and I would be very happy to contribute to causes related to what I mentioned.  It seems to me that this anthropological branch helps society in the sense that it contributes and generates understanding about the deaths of people to determine it.  For this and much more I consider that anthropology (and physical anthropology mainly) contribute and generate a social contribution.  Although I am referring to social benefits, these really transcend because they can help everyone