My name is Felipe, I have 18 years old (I was born in 25/04/2003) and I live with my parents in the commune of La Granja, Santiago.  All my basic education and high school I did in a nearby school called Christian Garden School where I did the arts elective and a year later the humanist elective.  I made the decision to study anthropology during the years I was in those courses, because I liked the subjects they dealt with.  Now about me, I am a relatively quiet and calm boy, I like to listen to music, play video games, paint, I like plants too, etc.  I am an only child, but in 2015 my aunt had 2 daughters, who are now my cousins ​​but I consider the sisters I never had, currently they are 5 years old and in December they will turn 6. They are the people who motivate me to fulfill my dreams, the Which are to finish my career (anthropology) and get closer to the world of physical anthropology, which at the moment is what I like the most.  Then I would like to work on that and be able to live my life with the people I love. Thats basically me.


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