A country I would like to visit

 I'm Felipe, and in this post I'm going to talk about Romania.

I have always liked Romania because of the essence that the country has, it is very "mystical". Romania is located between the Carpathian Mountains, and have border with Moldova, Hungary and Bulgaria (and on). The official languaje is the Romaniam, and his demonym is the same . Now talking about his most famous things, we have: Carpathian Mountains (Like I said before), Tulcea which is a place where Danube river splits generating a large lake with a lot of bird species, Bucares (the Capital), and Bran Castle (the most famous), which is the most famous, and it is the famous Dracula's castle.

As I said, Dracula´s castle is my favorite place, so the first thing thai I would do is visit him. Trying to go through it as much as possible. The main reason, is because I'm a big fan of the Dracula's legend (even in historical terms with Vlad Tepes). Romania in general terms is a great country but I would not like to live/study there because there is a very big language barrier, but more importantly I don't know if I could get used to such a different culture so abruptly


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