My career

Well, first of all, what I wanted to study when I was younger was mainly related to the natural sciences, more specifically animals. As I got older I liked chemistry a lot more and that was the first thing I imagined studying, but little by little I became disinterested and decided to move a little closer to the humanities. It was during the last two years of my high school education that I got to know the anthropology career and I liked it very much because of what it was dedicated to study and the diversity of topics it deals with. That is basically the history of the careers that I liked, although at the time of applying anthropology was not my only option, I had also applied for the history career, but I was not really convinced and I did it because I had another option. 

Regarding my experience at the university, it has been quite pleasant although difficult because of virtuality, but I have met very nice people and had a good time. Finally, as for what I would like to work with, I would love to work with something related to physical anthropology, I don't know it concretely, but I would like it to be related to that.


  1. Hello, it was also difficult for me to choose a career, the good thing is that you chose anthropology, which unites the social sciences, the natural sciences and the humanities. Lucky classmate.

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