Time travel to the past

 It seems to me a difficult question but I think I would choose to travel to the past. I would like to travel for example to the period of the Egyptian civilization, to be able to observe in first person how they produced all the inventions and discoveries of them were born. In this sense I would like as it may be obvious, to observe how they built the pyramids, as these with such a technological level in that era, must have been incredibly difficult to build. In addition to the above, I would like to know more about their mythology which is a subject that personally attracts me a lot. 

Another civilization that I would love to visit, is the Greek one, although this last one more than anything else for the reason of its mythology and its literary productions, because I find them fascinating. Although I can not deny that Greek mythology also has some very interesting inventions or discoveries, especially some of the most famous Greek philosophers. In conclusion, I would like to travel to both of these eras (Egypt a little more) to be able to have a little more awareness of how incredible it was what they contributed to humanity. The latter because it is often thought that in our time is where the human being has managed to do the most incredible things.


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