My Best Holiday

 My best holiday

The best vacations that I can remember were in 2017, when I went with my family to Viña del mar. The truth is that I don't usually go so far on vacation. I went with my parents and with my aunts and little cousins.  I remember we went to an aunt's house and stayed for a week. During the vacation we went to many places, that's why I enjoyed it so much. We went to beaches around which left me totally fascinated, especially the night walks, which for some reason, are incredibly enjoyable on the beach haha. Also what makes them more fun is the presence of my little cousins, because it was the first time they went to the beach and everything they saw was new to them. I think that for now they are, at least, the most fun vacations I've ever had. To this day I still remember them and every time I go on vacation I try to make them make me feel the same way I felt that time.


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